In the room with me tonight were three young people from Burma, a young man from the Ivory Coast, a young girl from Fiji, a young man from the Democratic Republic of Congo, a young African American man, and a Sudanese American girl. The rest of us were part of the Proskuneo Team. What do we all have in common? The blood of Christ which saved us from ourselves. I cannot begin to tell you what happens in my heart in that room. A taste of heaven as these young people study God’s Word together. A glimpse of God’s face as we raise our voices and play our instruments for His glory. And a touch of His heart as we pray together for one another.
Here is what a couple of the students said on the way home tonight.
“I really like what we get to do on Monday nights. It helps me to know how to live the
rest of the time. It gives me something to think about.”
“Oh, I really have fun tonight. And I am happy that we read the Bible together.”
We have laughed together. We have cried together. We have grown together. I wish each one of you could come and sit in the room just one time. They would welcome you and enjoy your presence. There is no pretense in this room. There are only precious people.
Your prayers and financial support are undergirding me in this work. This is just one of the things I do. You are allowing me to reach out to keep a few of these kids safe. The world tries to pull them in. And we are choosing to pull back. Each of them are worth the investment.
Thanks to your prayers and your gifts, I am 31 % funded. I hope to be at 50% by the end of May as I leave my “day” job and start working full-time. Of course, 100% funded is the goal. Please continue to pray with me as we work together for that goal.
All for His glory,