~my random thought for this day
This is where I begin when I speak to the youth God brings across my path. God LOVES you beyond measure. He can see beyond your pimples and your messy hair and your broken and sinful heart. He sees the good that He created in you and He sees the bad that needs to be washed in the blood of His son. But He sees you and He loves you.
This may seem like a simple message but it is the hardest to believe when you have not felt unconditional love. To the young man who cannot look at himself in the mirror because he has been told that no one will love a face like his - God loves you just the way you are...HE created you in His image. To the young man whose family has given up on him because he has failed one too many times - God loves you and He will NEVER abandon you. To the young woman who only hears the voices of the men walking past her on the street and cannot grasp that she is worth much more than the words they spew at her - God loves you. In fact He dances over you and delights in you and will deliver you from evil men.
This is the beginning of the work. Until this is planted and has taken root, nothing else can grow. And it takes time and a lot of weeding and cultivating to get this buried deep into the heart. So when one of these young ones looks you in the eye and declares "I am deeply loved by God," you know you are ready to begin the next chapter.